Friday, September 16, 2011

Money Can't Make Us Happier

   Does money make us happier? Does it bring more peace for us? The answer is definitely not. the more money we gain, the more concern we become! We can not deny it though we try to do it! The rich people just pretend they are in more peace and are happier than others. They really are not happier than other people!

  What I’m sure is that money can definitely not make us happier! If we are looking for peace and happiness, we won’t be able to find them in money. No doubt about it. We may don’t believe it, but that’s quietly right! There is absolutely nothing in money but more concern about losing it! I think it’s just spiritual people that even if they are rich, they don’t let it overcomes them and takes their peace from them. They look at money in very different way than ordinary people.

  Those people who are bustling so hard to gain money for making their life better and more enjoyable, don’t know that they are losing present in search of better future while they will never see this desired future at all; Though they are becoming richer and richer ! They can feel nothing has changed inside them after gaining more money, but they try to ignore it and pretend they have become happier than before.
  Nothing in outside can bring happiness for us. Neither money nor anything else! We should enjoy our life with whatsoever we have right now! So we need to practice to live now and here! Future belongs to future. The only thing we have is present.


1 comment:

  1. very true again Ehsan...too much attention on money takes our joy away...fears comes in place of it...fear for losing what we have earned...
    you are rich if you know your spirit ...if you trust God completely ...if you want to grow out of all your conditions ...if you can drop your ego...if you can surrender to God
